The 2023 International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids (QFS2023) was held at the University of Manchester, UK on 9-15 August 2023. This continued the tradition of QFS meetings – after Bangalore (India, QFS2021, on-line) and Edmonton (Canada, QFS2019).

More images are in the photos tab. The Pocket Planners and detailed Programme with Abstracts are available on-line. Some important details are summarized in Delegate Joining Instructions.
The Welcome Reception was served on the 8th August at 17:30-19:00 near the Registration desk.
- Quantum Gases
- Quantum Liquids in General
- Superfluid 3He
- Novel Superfluids and Superconductors
- Confined 3He and 4He
- Impurities and Excitations in Quantum Fluids
- Quantum Vortices
- Quantum Turbulence
- Electrons in/on Helium and Neon
- Quantum Fluids for Cosmology
- Superfluid Optomechanics
- Quantum Solids
- Cryogenic Techniques
- Henry Hall and Joe Vinen Memorial
- Alexander Andreev Memorial
QFS2023, which is financially supported by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), abides by IUPAP Policies on Conferences including the statements on Free Circulation of Scientists and Harassment at Conferences. Please see the posters celebrating IUPAP’s 100th Anniversary and Prizes for Early-Career Scientists.